Clean water ✧ healthy shore
✧ a bright future ✧

Clean Water
Healthy Shore
A Bright Future

Tickets are on sale now for A River Affair.   Click here to get your ticket!


The St. Mary's River Watershed Association (SMRWA)'s mission is "to protect, improve, and promote the sustainability of the St. Mary's River Watershed through the collaborative efforts of economic, agricultural, environmental, social, cultural, political, and recreational stakeholders in the community."

In honor of mark bassett

In honor of his life and legacy, Mark Bassett asks family and friends to donate to the St. Mary's River Watershed Association.

Save the date! Our annual fundraiser and celebration of the St. Mary's River will be held on April 6 from 12 pm to 3 pm at the Ruddy Duck Seafood and Alehouse on St. George Island. The event will feature heavy hors d'oeuvres and a live and silent auction.  All proceeds benefit the St. Mary's River. Purchase your tickets today by visitng

Newsletter & updates

SMRWA strives to keep our community up to date. Subscribe to our newsletter to directly receive future updates on volunteer opportunities, ways to help your watershed, upcoming events & more!

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Watershed Watch: February 25, 2025

Watershed Watch: February 25, 2025

Winter may be holding on, but we’re moving full speed ahead with our spring plans! We have…

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St. Mary's River Watershed Association, Inc., Post Office Box 94, St. Mary's City, MD 20686